Relevant C++-core classes

C++ core of TemporAl COntact Modeling and Analysis. Provides fast tools to analyze temporal contact networks and simulate Gillespie processes on them.

Temporal network classes

edge_lists Description of a temporal network by listing the edges of the networks at a certain time.
edge_changes Description of a temporal network by listing the changes of edges at a certain time.
edge_trajectories Instead of getting lists of edges ordered in time, this description of a temporal network consists of a list of _tacoma.edge_trajectory_entry.

Compartmental infection models

SI Base class for the simulation of an SI compartmental infection model on a temporal network.
SIS Base class for the simulation of an SIS compartmental infection model on a temporal network.
SIR Base class for the simulation of an SIR compartmental infection model on a temporal network.
SR Base class for the simulation of an SR compartmental infection model on a temporal network (an SIR model where only initially infected have non-zero infection rate and non-zero recovery rate.
SIRS Base class for the simulation of an SIRS compartmental infection model on a temporal network.
node_based_SIS Base class for the simulation of an SIS compartmental infection model on a temporal network using an SI-Graph for keeping track of SI-edges (meaning this is a node-based algorithm).
eSIS Base class for the simulation of an \(\varepsilon\)-SIS compartmental infection model on a temporal network.
QS_SIS Base class for the simulation of an quasi-stationary SIS compartmental infection model on a temporal network.
coverage_SIS Base class for the simulation of an SIS compartmental infection model on a temporal network.
cluster_size_SIS Base class for the simulation of an SIS compartmental infection model on a temporal network.

Markov integraion models

MARKOV_SIS Base class for the markov integration of an SIS compartmental infection model on a temporal network.

Temporal network model classes

EdgeActivityModel Base class for the simulation of a simple edge activity model.
FlockworkPModel Base class for the simulation of a simple Flockwork-P model.

Analysis classes

edge_lists_with_histograms Similar to the _tacoma.edge_lists class but with additional analysis results.
edge_changes_with_histograms Similar to the _tacoma.edge_changes class but with additional analysis results.

Helper classes

edge_trajectory_entry This is an entry of an edge-based notation of a temporal network.
social_trajectory_entry Each _tacoma.social_trajectory_entry
edge_weight Helper class for internal usage.